A fork in the road

BY: Wudang Chen Add to Favorites Back to Blog
A fork in the road

Everyone carries emotional baggage with them in one form or another. It may show up as feelings of fear, insecurity, rejection or chronic pain, disease, etc. When the baggage manifests itself, you unknowingly arrive at a fork in the road. You can continue to carry all that baggage with you making your journey more difficult, or you can choose to lovingly put the baggage down and enjoy lighter travel. Most people are not even aware that they have this choice.

A follower unconsciously chooses to attach, and so continues to feed the negativity in their lives. The leader consciously chooses to detach and makes a decision to lead a positive, motivated and joyful journey instead.You're shifting gears and choosing a new way of being. The key is to become aware of when you are at the fork in the road.

The next time your baggage shows up, realize you have a choice to go in two directions. Be a leader and choose the joyful path. No matter what difficulty you encounter, stay disciplined to your positive, motivated and joyful outlook. Always look for the positive in all situations you face. Thank it for showing up in your life to give you the motivation and inspiration to grow stronger. Be sincerely grateful that life gave you a punch in the tummy so that your spirit can grow much taller.